The Best End of Ski Season Events in Utah

If you’re coming to Utah for spring skiing there is a good chance you’re going to hear about the end of season events, parties, and general shenanigans. Utah has built a culture surrounding skiing, and that culture gets more and more apparent as the weather warms and the snow gets slushy. After skiing activities often blur together with skiing activities during the end of the season in Utah. Ever wonder why everyone wore their bright colored ski gear from the 80’s that one day you went, Alta? You were likely there on “The Frank”. Every resort seems to have their own traditions to send the season out with style, and we’re here to tell you about our favorite apres events.
Alta’s Frank World Classic

The Frank. Officially named “Alta’s Frank World Classic” is one of the best end of season celebrations in existence. His origins are unknown, but we do know a lot about Frank. Frank is a brightly clothed, rock and rollin’ skier you wish you were. At the end of April every year, Alta ski resort honors the idea of Frank by hosting an end of season party. You will find beer and whiskey drinkers on almost every lift. You’ll find kids throwing tricks their mom told them not to. You’ll see crazy costumes and a few people in their birthday suits. Most importantly, you find an accepting and hilariously fun ski culture that is ALL about spring skiing and having a good time during and after skiing. The date changes every year, but legend has it that if you go to the base of Alta and yell “FRANK” get some knowledge and probably a free drink. Come join the locals’ favorite event at Alta Ski Resort.
If you want to see some of the fun of Frank check out this video from last year’s event (PARENTAL ADVISORY: there might be an inappropriate amount of fun going on in this video):
Snowbird’s Closing Day

Snowbird ski resort has held the longest season in Utah for years now with some seasons going until forth of July – check out skiing in Utah here. Being the last resort open means that the last day of the season attracts all the die-hards and party people alike. On the closing day, you will take a ride up the tram to Hidden Peak where you can ski 3 lifts: Little Cloud, Mineral Basin, and Baldy. These three lifts will be full of friendly faces with retro headbands, aviators, a full flask or two, and the most revealing pair of jean shorts you’ve seen on snow. If you’re into hot dogging around the bumps you can find the infamous “snake” and “wave” on the Little Cloud lift. This is where all the freestylers will do their flips, spins, and general debauchery. How would you like to drink a nice cold beer, on a warm spring day, with a nice snowy run waiting for you to show your skills? Head over to the Bird to get your fix after all the other resorts close.
Brighton’s Dummy Downhill

A week after Solitude closes, Brighton ski resort hosts the annual “Dummy Downhill”. Snow lovers of all kind gather on the patios of Alpine Rose and Molly Green’s Pub. Music gets played loud and all day. This event is more of a spectating sport, for those who wish to drink more than they want to ski or ride. At the end of the day, Brighton employees send self-made dummies down “the halfpipe” in a fantastic show of speed, humor, and destruction. Probably the best event for non-skiers since there is no crowd participation. Come grab some cheap drinks and watch the mayhem happen at Brighton Resort.
Park City’s Gaper Day

At the end of Park City Ski Resort’s season (usually much earlier than the other resorts), the annual “Gaper Day” occurs. Much like the other resort parties, this one is a costume kind of event. If you wear your normal ski gear, you will stick out of the crowd of people having more fun than you. This event attracts neon colors, ski blades, and a variety of hopefully responsible drinking to Park City mountain. Park City tends to go pretty hard, so if you want to sit back and drink your rosé, please follow the signs for the fine restaurants at Deer Valley here. If you are looking to join the Park City festivities, make sure you organize a group of friends to go on the traditional Park City Pub Crawl immediately following Gaper Day.
Whether you are trying to ski as long as you can in the late season, or you are looking to get a few drinks with a fun crowd, look out for these springtime events! Let us know where your favorite end of season event is and what your favorite tradition is. Please remember to drink responsibly and don’t do anything Frank wouldn’t do.